Versions Compared


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This article covers how to read and interact with your actual forecast. Read about simulation mode instead.

Understanding your actual forecast

Your forecast is presented in a table format.broken down into two sections: In Progress and Not Started


The columns are

In actual mode - the epics and versions are grouped by their status. The items that are not yet started can be reprioritized. For more details please see Configure the simulation



“Epic in progress”, “Epics not yet started”

“Version in progress”, “Versions not yet started”

“Epics” or “Versions”

In simulation mode - this shows the epics or versions that are forecastedItems that you are forecasting. If an epic or version doesn’t have any remaining work to complete then it’s filtered out. Clicking on the version name or epic item’s title will take you to either the version’s release page or the epic it selfitself.

Desired date

This is what somebody has entered in as a date that they would like to have the version or epic completed. In the case of a version - this is the release date. For epics this is the due date on the epic.

Desired likelihood

The desired likelihood is based on the configured throughput and the order of the versions and epics in the table - what is the likelihood that effort will be completed The due date in your epic or the release date for your version.

Desired likelihood

How likely it is that the item will be finished by the desired date.

Items remaining

The number of regular issues that are not yet completed (in a statuscategory of done) - ie the number of items that should be done in order to complete the epic or version (excluding subtasks).

Forecasted date

Given the certainty configured for the simulation, the throughput and the order of the epic or version - what is forecasted date that the epic or version will be completed on. data configurations and forecast parameters set, you should finish this item on or before this date. (The likelihood of this outcome reflects your chosen forecast certainty.)

Reordering items

In actual mode - the epics and versions are grouped by their status. The items that are not yet started can be reprioritized. For more details please see Choosing a forecast certainty

To rearrange the epics or versions order to be forecasted - simple drag the row to the new location. Once you have rearranged all of the epics or versions in order of importance - click on recalculate in the bar that is shown.
