Responsibilities of each party
Customers are responsible for maintaining Maintaining their host applications and keeping the product versions up-to-date (Jira, Azure DevOps) and configured in line with generally accepted best practices.
Customers are responsible for applying Installing the correct versions of the Add-Ons for their Atlassian product instance. There is no vendor-provided support for issues with our Add-Ons when installing into unsupported versions of Atlassian product instances.
Customers are responsible for testing Testing any new installation or version of the 55 Degrees add-on in a non-production environment PRIOR TO applying it to a production environment. Any data loss is the responsibility of the customer.
Customers are responsible for communicating Communicating issues to 55 Degrees through our support channel as described above.
55 Degrees
55 Degrees will provide Provide any information regarding workarounds that may be beneficial while the bug is being investigated and fixed, when available.
55 Degrees may, at At our sole discretion, provide you with a patched version of the add-on in case of a Level 1 or 2 issue for your on-prem instances. This patch may be delivered outside of marketplace download mechanisms.
55 Degrees will publicly Publicly release updates resolving issues in the next maintenance release. Maintenance release schedules are not predetermined and are cut on an as-needed fashion.
55 Degrees will schedule Schedule Level 2 issues/requests according to priority. Priority decisions are made by 55 Degrees employees based on a number of factors which are subject to change.