By using the item filter control you can filter down to a specific set of items
By using the workflow stages control, you can choose to show the number of items in a subset of workflow stages.
Started and Completed can be toggled on and off.
The Pace: Start vs Finish
Definition: This chart compares the rate at which you start work with the rate at which you finish work.
Started is any work item that went into any checked workflow stage (except the last) for the first time in the last month.
Completed is any item that went into the last workflow stage in the last month regardless of when it began.
Definition: the rate at which you finish work. In ActionableAgile we check to see the rate at which work enters the last checked stage of your workflow as configured in the Workflow Stages control for this chart.
Calculation basics:
We look at all the current WIP and grab the end date for these items. This date will be used for the End Date in our calculation.
We find the finish dates for all items finished before the End Date and divide it by the total number of days between the Starting Date and End Date.
Definition: the age of your work-in-progress. In ActionableAgile we check to see how many days it has been since the work items entered the first checked step of your workflow as configured in the Workflow Stages control for this chartchart provides information about it in the same way asthearrival and departure rates. Start is the arrivals each day. Completed is the Throughput but with monthly actuals instead of averages.
Info |
Started and Completed can be toggled on and off. |
To get the average arrival rate and average throughput of the data through to today (like we had in the original dashboard), you can go to summary statistics on the CFD and grab the information in the system line there.
The WIP & WIP age chart tells you the total age, average age, and WIP level for each day over time. This line chart shows the change over time and reduces the need for manual work. The last point on this chart should reflect today.
This is actually a lot more useful than an average of your whole data set and tells you a much better picture of your changes in risk over time.
Info |
Work-in-progress is defined as work that has entered the first checked step of your workflow but has not entered the last checked step. |