Finding Klar
To begin refining issues in Klar, click on the Klar menu option in the project nav.
Understanding the Klar app Layout
You’ll enter the Klar app as shown below. There are 3 main columns.
List of Issues (left pane)
There is a toggle at the top of the pane that allows you to decide if items that are considered Ready (aka Refinement is complete) are shown. By default this is toggled off.
As refinement is done, issues will disappear from the left pane. If they do not, you can click on the refresh icon to force an update.
Issue Details (center pane)
This pane shows information about the Jira issue in order to help you in your refinement process.
Currently there is a limitation of the Forge platform and we cannot embed the issue here directly as you may see in other areas. As that is provided, we will update this experience to make it more similar to other areas of Jira.
Refinement area (right pane)
At the very top you can click on the VIEW ISSUE button to open the issue in a new tab. This can be useful if not all information is showing in the center pane.
Underneath that you do the actual refinement by answering configured questions and noting any Dependencies or Interested Parties.
Answering Refinement Questions
The list of questions that shows up here is configured by your Project Admin. There is only one set of questions for all issues in the project at this time.
To answer a question, click on the icon to the left of the question text. This will make a dropdown appear.
You can choose from the following answers:
Unknown (default)
Please note
In order for the issue to be considered as “Refinement Complete” or “Ready”, all questions must be answered with Yes. Until then they will be considered as not being fully refined.
Choosing a common reason for your answer
More to come
Adding a comment with your answer
More to come
Selecting Dependencies and Interested Parties
More to come