We are no longer bundling apps inside of ActionableAgile.

Portfolio Forecaster will be removed from ActionableAgile in the next release on all Jira hosting platforms (Server, Data Center, and Cloud).

It is available for your Jira Admin to install as a standalone application so that you don’t miss out on any of the functionality you’re used to.

Why? Having two separate products highly coupled was holding us back in both speed and quality. This way we’re able to spend our time creating features well instead of building and deploying the app to more places.


Install the standalone app

You can install Portfolio Forecaster for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace listing.

Click the button and choose the correct hosting type for your Jira platform. You can do this even before you get the promo code as you will have a free trial.

Once the app is downloaded, you will be on a free trial then the coupon will be applied once the subscription has started. You should be able to go to the administration area of Jira then choose Apps->Manage Apps->Promotions. From there, you should see the discount listed with the start and end dates.

Data Center Customer?
As of right now, both Server and Data Center customers should install the Server version of the application. A Data Center version is currently being evaluated by Atlassian for publish. We will provide a new promo code for Data Center customers to use when the Data Center version is available.

Adjust permissions to any remaining embedded version

If you do this before we’ve unbundled Portfolio Forecaster from Jira Cloud then you will ensure there is no lapse in availability of the functionality. In order to ensure that there aren’t two ways to access the app in the interim, your Jira Admin should follow these instructions to remove the old link.

Request and use the promo code before August 31, 2022

Current customers can get a promo code to install and use Portfolio Forecaster for Jira for one year.

Please reach out to support@55degrees.se to request your promo code. You must use the promo code before it expires on August 31.

If you’re worried about short timelines, please note that we’ve been contacting your subscription contacts since the end of May. So, your admin should have already been notified, please ping them to make sure this move is in progress.

This should be considered a very low-risk move. There is zero cost and you’re not adding any new vendors or technology to your Jira stack. Its just that what used to be in one app is now in two.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to support@55degrees.se and we’ll help you as quickly as possible.