You can now access your Jira data using OAuth instead of the tokens of old! Our new wizard allows you to import your data in a more secure way. At the moment, it is only available for Jira Cloud Boards but we hope to add integrations to other tools in the near future!
To load your Jira board, select Load a Jira Cloud Board (OAUTH).
To access data in Jira Server and Data Center, please continue to use Load a Jira Board (Jira Cloud). Yeah, we know. Even though it says Jira Cloud, you can use a user/pass combination to access your on-prem instance as long as it is available via the internet for us to reach. |
Click on
Choose which site you want the app to be able to access and press
Once the authentication is completed, press which will send you back to and the verification will happen.
Choose which data to load:
choose your instance (you can add more instances from here too!)
choose your board
refine the selection (optional)
The data will be fetched
Your data is now loaded, enjoy