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What compliance standards do you conform to? (ISO27001, SOC2, etc.)

55 Degrees is ISO 27001:2013 certified by Prescient Assurance. You can download our certificate here.

We are working towards our SOC 2 compliance and hope to achieve it in 2023.

Do your apps store our organization's work data on your servers?

Right now, we do not have any external databases in which we store the organizational data from your work management system, whether it is Jira, Azure, or something else.

Even when you "upload" data into ActionableAgile, for instance, your data never goes beyond your browser's local storage. All data is processed in real-time. Each time you come back, we run a new query. Even the query configurations are stored in your host application or your browser's local storage, depending on which app you use.

When we work on adding sharing or other features requiring a change to this policy, we will ensure all organizations are aware of the change in advance. Our current plan for future capabilities requiring storage in external databases is to store only the minimal data required in a pseudonymized and/or encrypted form in an AWS database located in the EU. See more about these plans

Where can I see your past security advisories?

Please review our documentation here: https://support.55degrees.se/space/SECURE/1669726281/Security+Advisories