Throughput Run Chart

Throughput Run Chart

Throughput is the rate of which work is finished in a given time period (items per day, week, etc.). 
A run chart is a line graph that shows the changes in a data series over time. So, this chart shows you your throughput over time.

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 15.43.57.png


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How to read the chart

Each dot represents the amount of work completed for a given day (or other selected time unit.. The placement of the dot tells you two things:

  • The date (or other selected time unit). (horizontal axis)

  • The number of items completed for the chosen date (vertical axis)


How throughput is calculated
Normally throughput is the number of items that have been completed. However, you can decide to track the throughput of a much narrower portion of your workflow. You have complete control over what this chart shows you at any given time using the Workflow Stages controls.

Completed means the item has entered the last checked workflow stage as configured in the "Workflow Stages" chart control.

Getting more info on dots and work items
You can hover over any dot to see the Done Date and ID(s) of the item(s) that finished. When you hover over the dot you will see the list of item IDs.

You can click on the dot to make it stick so that you can hover or click on individual IDs to see more details about work items. Clicking anywhere else on the chart makes the information go away.

Key Chart Controls

Time Units

By default, the chart shows a dot for each day's throughput. However, if you'd like it to calculate by week or month, choose from these alternative options. 

The image below shows the chart when the Month option is selected.

Additional Chart Controls

Throughput Trend

Show the Moving Average by toggling the option "Moving Average". You can also set the interval for it to average. The default is 10 days.

For some of our Beta Charts we are testing a simplification of the trend lines as we don’t feel the percentile choice adds significant value. As always, we are open to user feedback about this change.


When you choose Date and/or Throughput, the value on the relevant axis will be highlighted based on your cursor placement.


Use this to zoom into any specific subset of your data. You can narrow down the data horizontally (smaller time scale) and/or vertically (to narrow the range of throughput).

Date Range

The Date Range control allows you to select a specific date range for your completed items across all charts.

Selecting the dates opens a calendar window where you can choose the date range that you want to see.

There are presets to select from, such as Last 30 Days, Last Quarter, etc.



Item Filter

You can filter down the dots shown on this chart by choosing one or more available filters. 

If you want to clear your filters so that all dots show up again, you click the Reset button.

Workflow Stages

If you want to track the cycle time of a smaller portion of your workflow, deselect the workflow stages you'd like to exclude. 

Once you do that, the dots will reflect the total cycle time (elapsed time) for the work to travel through the checked workflow states.


If you have any questions, please submit them to our help desk.