Managing Data Sets

Managing Data Sets

Everything you need to know about Managing Data Sets in ActionableAgile all in one place!

What you’ll find in this document:


Finding and Viewing Your Data Sets

We've made it simple to find your data sets, no snooping required .

Navigate to the Data Set Menu and select Find or Manage Data Sets. You can also find your Favorites listed under My Data Sets.


Use the Show drop-down menu to navigate between My Data Sets, My Favorites, and Shared With Me.





Editing and Deleting Your Data Sets

Relevant versions of ActionableAgile for Jira

cloud on-prem v4.0 and later

In ActionableAgile we store the last 10 data sets you created by default. When you “star” a data set, it pins it to the top to ensure it doesn’t roll off as you create new data sets.


On this screen you see the data sets you have stored, their names, which ones are starred, and the date last updated.

Editing the name of a data set

You can click on the name and edit the name of the data set directly from this screen.

Editing workflow or additional field selection.

Click the Edit link to go directly to Step 2 of the data set creation process. From there you will be able to see and adjust workflow and then, in Step 3, additional fields.


Deleting a data set

Delete any data set by clicking on the bin (trash can) icon.

Need to change selections from Step 1?

You’ll need to create a brand new data set to change anything found in Step 1 of the data loading process.

Have questions or experiencing problems?

Reach out to us via our support portal and tell us as much as you can about your question or issue and include screengrabs or videos whenever possible.