Getting started: The Basics

Getting started: The Basics

Klar is a Swedish word that means both clear and ready. The Klar app provides a lightweight tool aimed at helping you refine items so that they are ready (enough) to start. This means that the important details about the work items are clear!

Using Klar in 3 steps

Configure refinement criteria in Klar

Who: Project Admin & the users who will be refining issues

What: Refinement questions; select lists for external dependencies and interested parties

Jump to documentation on configuring Klar for your project.

Refine issues in the Klar app

Who: Users who have the “Edit Issues” permission.

What: Answer all refinement questions for the issue to be marked as refined. Optionally, select relevant external dependencies and/or interested parties.

Jump to documentation on refining issues in Klar.

See refinement information directly on the issues

Who: Users who have the “Browse Projects” permission

What: See if an issue is refined or not. See which external dependencies and/or interested parties were selected, if any. This is view only information. Fields are updated by refining the issues in Klar.

Jump to documentation on understanding Klar-specific refinement fields on Jira issues.


Keep in mind

Adding too many required refinement questions can have a negative effect. Keep the list minimal - just the things that are likely to block your path but not enough to stifle agility.