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This page includes a list of known bugs and any available workarounds. If you have an issue that’s not listed here, please send us a support request.

Issue description

Jira work item

Workaround, when applicable

Cards in unmapped statuses are not handled well when loading board data
In other words, not able to tweak workflow mapping after data import.

You have two options

Jira Cloud customers can use the new loading option called Load Jira Issues (beta). This will expose unmapped statuses and let you map them.

If you use Jira Server or DC, you can:

  1. Make sure all Jira workflow statuses are mapped on the Jira board, or

  2. Load the data through the board filter instead and map the Jira workflow statuses to ActionableAgile workflow stages to ensure no statuses remain unmapped.

Jira Cloud customers can join our EAP program and use the new Board Loader (we’ll be going to public beta soon)

When you uncheck an intermediate workflow stage in the Flow Efficiency chart, the calculations are incorrect.

No workaround

WIP Aging Chart: Dots' Pace not affected by Done Items Selection

No workaround