

You can find potential solutions to common issues on this page. If you have an issue that this page or the rest of our full suite of user documentation doesn’t help with, please send us a support request.

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Is Your Issue a Known Bug?

First, check out our Known Issues page to see if you are experiencing something we have identified and are working on.

App & Data Loading Issues

This is usually caused by blocked network access, or using extensions such as ad blockers.

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

The app doesn’t load.

Your organization’s network is blocking access to the app.

Attempt to load this page: https://actionableagile.55degrees-apps.net/accesscheck.html. If unsuccessful, You will need to have your networking team open up port 443 for browsing on the following domains to use the app:

  1. https://actionableagile.55degrees-apps.net

  2. https://connect-cdn.atl-paas.net

Optionally, please have them open up port 443 for browsing on the following domains:

  1. https://browser.sentry-cdn.com (for error reporting)

  2. https://jsd-widget.atlassian.com (for feedback collection)


You have ad blockers or other browser extensions blocking the app.

Turning off ad blockers or configure them to always allow our site to function.

I’m able to load the app but it keeps reverting to Example data when I try to load my Jira data

Your browser is set to block 3rd party cookies and local storage usage

Make sure that your browser settings allow 3rd party cookies and local storage to be set or that you allow cookies and local storage to be set by https://actionableagile.55degrees-apps.net. How do I do this?

You cannot access ActionableAgile and get the below error message:

The error message comes from Atlassian not ActionableAgile, could be caused by either corporate firewall/network/security issues or deeper issue which need to be escalated to Atlassian

Try loading https://actionableagile.55degrees-apps.net/accesscheck.html and letting us know if you’re able to load that? If you’re not then it’s more than likely that your corporate firewall/network/security is blocking access to our web service and we’ll need them to allow list actionableagile.55degrees-apps.net .

If you are able to load that page - then it’s not the networking issue but something else. Can you try in a different browser?

In the new Header experience, when I click on a saved data set, a different data set loads.

The error occurs when data have been loaded and saved in “Load Jira Issues”. As we save the configurations and saved data sets in the Jira user properties, the saved data set might have been overwritten. To investigate we need to check the configuration saved in the user property.

  1. Open this URL https://55degrees.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/user/properties/55d-aa-dl-history-data?accountId= in a tab

  2. Open your Jira profile in a seperate tab, look at the URL and copy the string with numbers and letters:


3. Add this string at the end of the first URL:

4. The saved data set configuration will then appear on the page:

Please provide us with the whole text for investigation.

Your data set is gets stuck while loading.

Too many custom fields.

In the Server Settings, disable Custom Fields and reduce the Jira Fetch Limit.





If none of those steps solve your problem, contact us and provide the following information, at minimum, to help with troubleshooting your data-loading issues:

  • copy and paste any javascript errors from your browser’s developer console. How do I find this?

  • generating and providing a HAR file generated when you load the page. How do I do this?

My data looks different than I expected

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions / Troubleshooting Info needed

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions / Troubleshooting Info needed

The source data chart looks different in “Load Jira Issues” than it did when I used the legacy loaders


Please give us:

  • A CSV export of the Raw Data (not filtered) from ActionableAgile

  • The full issue changelog from one of the issues that you believe is showing incorrect data.

Jira issues don’t show time in certain statuses and too much time in others

Not understanding how ActionableAgile handles work that moves backwards in the workflow.

Read about how ActionableAgile handles work that moves backwards in the workflow.

Jira issues are showing up in the wrong column in the Aging Work In Progress chart or finished items are showing up in the Aging Work In Progress Chart

If you loaded a Jira board, the board mapping doesn’t account for any workflow states no longer available in your project (or states from other places that issues have moved from). If the workflow status are not mapped to an ActionableAgile workflow stage, they will be shown in the last known ActionableAgile workflow stage. The app basically doesn’t know anywhere else to put it.

Try loading via the filter used by the board and manually mapping the all historical workflow statuses used to see if this resolves your problem.

I am getting a message that at least 10 items are needed.

You are loading a new board, filter, or project and you don’t have many, or any, finished items based on how your AA workflow stages are configured. The chart should load regardless but you may get a warning that we can’t forecast effectively until you have at least 10 items completed.

Start by using the Aging Work In Progress chart to manage work to completion until you finish at least 10 items.

Jira issues are missing in the charts or showing where they should not

If you loaded a Jira board, the board mapping doesn’t account for any workflow states no longer available in your project (or states from other places that issues have moved from). If the workflow status are not mapped to an ActionableAgile workflow stage, they will be shown in the last known ActionableAgile workflow stage. The app basically doesn’t know anywhere else to put it.

Please give us:

You might have set a filter (either in the global chart controls or the controls for this chart) which removes issues.

If you see a green funnel on the left of the top bar, it means that there is at least 1 filter set, you can hover over it to see the list of the filter and where they were applied. You can either found them and reset the filter or clear your browser storage which will delete all settings.

The Cycle Time given in the Cycle Time Summary Gadget does not match the cycle time on the Cycle Time Scatterplot

  • The Mapping might be different

  • AA might not recognise all the transitions between the different stages

Please give us:

  • A screengrab of the configuration screen of the gadget - like this:

  • A screengrab of how the workflow is mapped in ActionableAgile (using the beta issue loader is best) - like this:

  • An export of your raw data from ActionableAgile (you can remove all columns except ID and the workflow stage columns if you like)

  • A data export from the dashboard gadget - which you get here:


My data set is missing.

ActionableAgile can save up to 12 of your (unshared) data sets.

Creating more will cause the oldest to be replaced with the newest.

Updating from an older version of ActionableAgile to a newer version can sometimes cause data sets to be lost as if the version difference is significant enough, the data set is not compatible anymore.



If none of those steps solve your problem, contact us and provide the following information, at minimum, to help with troubleshooting your data-loading issues:

We may also ask for additional information like what is listed below based on the particular problem you are having:

  • A HAR file that you can generate when you load the affected webpage. How do I do this?

  • A screengrab of the workflow mapping of your Jira Workflow statuses to AA workflow stages in step 2 of the Data Loader. We need to see the whole thing, including unmapped statuses.

Having Other Issues?

Please enter a support request with as much detail as possible. Consider adding the following:

  • What you experienced

  • What you were doing when you experienced it

  • What you expected to see

  • Any screengrabs you can take of the problem

  • Any JS errors that your browser shows in the JS console. How do I find this?

We always attempt to respond to and resolve issues as quickly as possible. Thanks for being a customer!

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