We fixed a bug in ActionableAgile Analytics in which certain XSLS files would not load.
We have released the following to ActionableAgile Analytics!
We deployed a fix that removes an extra / character which was causing issues when fetching board data when the Jira instance didn’t have a context path set.
2021 changes
Updated French Translations
Updated links in the dropdown menu in the navbar
Resolved the following bugs:
Tooltips/hover on Heat Map does not show the correct column name
Data and chart configurations were not persisting between sessions
Issue changing time unit on CT Scatterplot and Throughput run chart
Various JavaScript errors generated behind the scenes by the Cumulative Flow Diagram
Uploading a CSV file failed when the last column contained a date
Improved error messaging during the purchase process to let users know exactly why their transaction has failed (credit card issue, coupon code issue, etc.)
We have made multiple improvements to our trial and subscription management system. Users can now:
Join another user’s subscription from a trial using an invite code as long as you have no other users in your trial. You can also use an invite code from an expired trial.
Allow you to use existing billing information or choose to update it when purchasing from a trial.
Users are prevented from being added to a subscription multiple times
Now pulling all components for each issue when loading data through the Jira wizard:
Jira Legacy
System JIRA
Resolved error when loading Jira boards with columns in board column names
Fixed Keyboard shortcuts to fast-switch between charts
Resolved issue causing data load to fail when you have trend lines enabled but your data has zero finished items.
Added text “Calculated averages for all data as of:” to Stability gadget on Dashboard chart to clarify what the data reflects.
2020 changes
Trello Integration: No longer need to enter your email address to connect with Trello.
Fixed link text for the Release Notes link
Fixed a flow efficiency bug that was affecting calculations.
Trello integration updates:
Resolved bug in Trello integration so that labels never gets confused with a workflow stage.
Obfuscated API token in Trello wizard.
Set the groundwork for Blocked calculations to use a label of ‘blocked’ (case-insensitive) in Trello. (integration will be removed from Beta once this is done)
We no longer require (but still prefer) that workflow stage containing the word Backlog and/or Options be the first stage. However, if you do have it that way, we’ll treat the 1st column like a backlog and uncheck that stage so it is not included in metrics calculations.
Added clarifying text to Stability module on Dashboard to show that it is a reflection of all data loaded until today, this month or this week.
Removed Beta text for Calendar feature on Monte Carlo simulations and made them visible by default.