Versions Compared


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This page contains information about this year’s releases to changes in the recent releases for our standalone SaaS version of ActionableAgile at Please contact support with any questions. See changes from previous years and changes to our labs area where we test new features. All labs changes will be identified as such.


Don't hesitate to get in touch with support if you have any questions.

Latest Changes

January 18, 2023

Process Behavior Chart Changes in preparation for production launch

  • Made improvements to the Date Control area.

  • Fixed a bug with the dots highlighted on the moving range chart when Large Change is selected in the Process Signals control

Changes from previous years


We fixed a bug in ActionableAgile Analytics in which certain XSLS files would not load in our Labs and Production sites.

We have released the following to ActionableAgile Analytics!

  • A new header experience we’ve been testing in our lab! Read more

  • Removal of the beta label from the Trello data loader

  • Increased password complexity requirements for user accounts from 6 characters to a minimum of 8. Also, the password must contain one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character. The password screen will now guide you so that you understand the requirements as you are creating the password.

  • An option to show/hide your password on the login screen

We have released the following to our ActionableAgile Labs only!

  • anonymous usage analytics of the new Process Behavior chart are now sent to MixPanel

We have released the following to ActionableAgile Analytics!

  • We have added support for archived cards in Trello. 🎉 💪🏽 Archived cards are now considered as having entered the last workflow stage and you have a field called Archived In that shows where the card was when it was archived.

  • We have fixed a number of bugs in the Heat Map chart regarding tooltip displays

  • We fixed a bug in the Aging Work In Progress chart in which the chart throws errors when you disable all workflow stages.

  • We have begun the back-end process of consolidating and migrating our internal APIs to AWS. This will allow better compliance with enterprise expectations and security standards.

We have released the following to our ActionableAgile Labs only!

  • We have increased password complexity for user accounts authenticating with user/password.

  • We have added the option to show/hide your password on the login screen

  • We updated links in the welcome dialog box which you can revisit from the (question) dropdown.

  • We have upgraded the copyright year in the footer to correctly match the copyright date in the welcome screen of the app

  • You now must have an active subscription to access the app. Previously you could load data when your subscription expired but not use any chart controls. This did not have significant value so we simplified our options by removing this freemium option.

  • We now have the ability to use a URL to submit a properly formatted data file to ActionableAgile.

  • Text regarding trial length has been updated to reflect the increase from 14 days to 30.

  • We fixed a bug in which people who canceled, but should have access until the end of their subscription period, were blocked from access.

  • We deployed a fix that removes an extra / character which was causing issues when fetching board data when the Jira instance didn’t have a context path set.


title2021 changes

  • Updated French Translations

  • Updated links in the (question) dropdown menu in the navbar

  • Resolved the following bugs:

    • Tooltips/hover on Heat Map does not show the correct column name

    • Data and chart configurations were not persisting between sessions

    • Issue changing time unit on CT Scatterplot and Throughput run chart

    • Various JavaScript errors generated behind the scenes by the Cumulative Flow Diagram

    • Uploading a CSV file failed when the last column contained a date

  • Improved error messaging during the purchase process to let users know exactly why their transaction has failed (credit card issue, coupon code issue, etc.)

  • We have made multiple improvements to our trial and subscription management system. Users can now:

    • Join another user’s subscription from a trial using an invite code as long as you have no other users in your trial. You can also use an invite code from an expired trial.

    • Allow you to use existing billing information or choose to update it when purchasing from a trial.

    • Users are prevented from being added to a subscription multiple times

  • Now pulling all components for each issue when loading data through the Jira wizard:

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA

  • Resolved error when loading Jira boards with columns in board column names

  • Fixed Keyboard shortcuts to fast-switch between charts

  • Resolved issue causing data load to fail when you have trend lines enabled but your data has zero finished items.

  • Added text “Calculated averages for all data as of:” to Stability gadget on Dashboard chart to clarify what the data reflects.
