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We don’t require any credit card information to start a trial. We’ll ask for that information when we really need it - when you decide to purchase.


Once you have created an account follow these steps.

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Users with Stakeholder access in Azure DevOps do not have permissions to view and edit Analytics views, for this reason they will not be able to use ActionableAgile.

Create a Trial Subscription


When you click Begin Trial, that will take you to a form hosted by our subscription management platform. Please


Fields to fill out the form and click on the “Subscribe” button.



  • First Name


  • *

  • Last Name


Fields noted with * are required fields. You must also agree to our privacy policy and terms of use by checking the checkbox before you can create a trial subscription. Please note that these documents are included in the EULA which you will already have agreed to at this point


This form will be pre-populated with the email address used in the Azure system. If that is not an email that will work to send you notifications via email, please change this to be your actual email address. This will not hurt your ability to authenticate with ActionableAgile in Azure. We actually use your backend UID for authentication for security purposes. We only have access to the emails of the actual paying subscriber!

Create a Trial Subscription for multiple users

After filling in you First Name, Name and all mandatory fields, you can then change the quantity on the left hand-side of the same page (see green box). You can then click on the “Subscribe” button. This way you will have one subscription with multiple users.



The person starting the Trial will be the user manager and will then be able to invite other users to join the subscription based on how many slots are available. To add more users, please contact and confirm how many users should be added.

Start using ActionableAgile


If you have any questions about this process, please submit them to our help desk.


Purchase a subscription

Manage Users in a Subscription

Join a Subscription via an Invite Code

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