The purpose of this chart
Cycle Time is the length of time it takes for a piece of work to travel through your workflow (or a portion of your workflow based on your configurations).
The Cycle Time histogram is a bar chart that shows the distribution of your various cycle times. In other words, it shows you how often you achieve a certain cycle time.
How to read the chart
The horizontal axis represents a Cycle Time. In this case, the number of days it took to complete items.
The vertical axis represents a Frequency. In this case, the frequency means the number of items that had that particular cycle time for the data shown.
In the chart to the right, you can see that more of our items have a cycle time of 1 day than any other option. But there were 15 items that had a cycle time of 5 days, 10 items that had a cycle time of 7 days, etc.
Hover over any bar to see the frequency of a given throughput.
Key Chart Controls
Click on any image to make it bigger!
When you choose this option, the chart looks at all of the work items represented by and draws percentile lines at certain locations.
These lines can be interpreted as "XX% of items finished in X days or less"
For example, in the image to the right, you can say that 70% of our items were finished in 13 days or less. Or, you could say that 95% of our items were finished in 31 days or less.