Cancel a Subscription

Cancel a Subscription

This guide will walk you through how to cancel your ActionableAgile subscription.

This requires the creation of an account on our billing platform: 55degrees.recurly.com if you don’t already have one.

Log in to your account on https://55degrees.recurly.com and find the box at the top left of the content area that provides information about your ActionableAgile subscription.

Click the “Cancel Subscription” link at the top right of the box.

At this point a confirmation dialog box will appear providing some information about when your subscription is set to cancel and the timeframe in which it can be reactivated.

All self-canceled subscriptions are set to “Will not renew” and you will have access until the end of your current paid period.

Click the button labeled “Cancel Subscription” to proceed with the cancellation.

Notice that the webpage now says that your subscription now has a status of “Will Not Renew” and the link to cancel the subscription has now changed to “Reactivate Subscription”. You can also see that it says “No additional invoices will be issued for this subscription.”

You will also receive an email confirming the cancelation of your subscription. If applicable, you’ll also have a link to reactivate your subscription from there.

If you have any questions about this process, please submit them to our help desk.