

You can find potential solutions to common issues on this page. If you have an issue that this page or the rest of our full suite of user documentation doesn’t help with, please send us a support request.

Is Your Issue a Known Bug?
First, check out our Known Issues page to see if you are experiencing something we have identified and are working on.


Your Problem

Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your Problem

Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Awaiting common problems to be identified


If none of those steps solve your problem, contact us and provide the following information, and anything else you believe is relevant:

Your Problem

What we need you to do to help with troubleshooting

Your Problem

What we need you to do to help with troubleshooting

Incorrect data showing up in the Raw Workflow Data reports

  • Provide a copy of the full change log from the problematic issue. You can find this at the following URL after replacing the bold portions: https://YOUR-SUBDOMAIN.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/ISSUE-NUM/changelog.

    • By default this returns 100 items. Issues can have more than 100 items . To get all of the changes, increase the “startAt” value on query string by 100 until you get no more results returned: https://YOUR-SUBDOMAIN.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/ISSUE-NUM/changelog?maxResults=100&startAt=100

  • An export of the faulty report that includes, at minimum, the entire row for the problematic issue.
