Step 5: Forecasting items in progress

Step 5: Forecasting items in progress

This article covers how to read and interact with your forecast for your items in progress.

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Reading the forecast

The Data Columns

Your forecast is a table with 5 columns of information. Here’s what each column tells you





Epics (or Versions

Items that you are forecasting. If an epic or version doesn’t have any remaining work to complete then it’s filtered out. Clicking on the item’s title will take you to either the version’s release page or the epic itself.

This value is linked. Click on the link to open the epic or version (release).

Due date (or Release Date)

The due date in your epic or the release date for your version.

Due date likelihood
(or Release date likelihood)

How likely it is that the item will be finished by the desired date.

Items remaining

The number of unfinished items associated with your epic or version, excluding subtasks.

This value is linked. Click on the link to see the issue filter showing all items in your epic or version.

Forecasted date

Given the data configurations and forecast parameters set, you should finish this item on or before this date. (The likelihood of this outcome reflects your chosen confidence level.)

The Color Coding

The row background color for forecasted item rows is set according to the likelihood you’ll meet your due date (epics) or release date (versions) - aka your desired date.

  • Red: < 50% likelihood that you’ll meet your desired date.

  • Yellow: 50-84% likelihood that you’ll meet your desired date

  • White: >=85% likelihood that you’ll meet your desired date OR if you have no desired date set.


Ordering of epics/versions

Until you start rearranging the epics or versions, the Portfolio Forecaster will order them according to their ranking in Jira. If you have modified the ordering and would like to reset back to rank, click the “Reset order” link in the bottom right corner under the forecast table. This option only shows up when you’ve manually changed away from the natural rank order.

Next Step

Now that you know how to get a forecast for your epics or versions in progress, you’re ready to jump to simulation mode and play around with some What If? questions! Make sure to become familiar with all of the forecast parameters available when you start viewing items that haven’t yet started!


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