Where to download your forecast

Where to download your forecast


Once you are satisfied your forecast parameters, you can press the “Download Forecast” button and download the forecast results as a csv file:

Screenshot from the csv export


The exported file shows you the same information than in the Portfolio Forecaster:





Epics (or Versions

Items that you are forecasting. If an epic or version doesn’t have any remaining work to complete then it’s filtered out.

Due date (or Release Date)

The due date in your epic or the release date for your version. If you did not set one, this field will be empty.

Due date likelihood
(or Release date likelihood)

How likely it is that the item will be finished by the desired date. Can only be calculated if a due date (or release date) has been set.

Items remaining

The number of unfinished items associated with your epic or version, excluding subtasks.

Forecasted date

Given the data configurations and forecast parameters set, you should finish this item on or before this date. (The likelihood of this outcome reflects your chosen confidence level.)




Downloading the forecast as a csv makes the forecast results easier to share.

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