

You can find potential solutions to common issues on this page. If you have an issue that this page or the rest of our full suite of user documentation doesn’t help with, please send us a support request.

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Is Your Issue a Known Bug?

First, check out our Known Issues page to see if you are experiencing something we have identified and are working on.

App & Data Loading Issues

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

I can’t load ActionableAgile

Your network or browser are blocking access to the app.

  1. Check your browser extensions

    1. Turn off any ad blockers to see if this resolves your problem.

  2. Check your network

    1. Can you load the app outside of your network but not inside? Please work with your organization’s support team to allow access to https://analytics.actionableagile.com from your network.



You have ad blockers or other browser extensions blocking the app.

Turning off ad blockers or configure them to always allow our site to function.

I get errors when loading data in ActionableAgile

We need more information to troubleshoot

Please contact us and provide the following information, at minimum, to help with troubleshooting your data-loading issues:

  • copy and paste any javascript errors from your browser’s developer console. How do I find this?

  • generating and providing a HAR file generated when you load the page. How do I do this?

I am having performance issues while loading Trello data

You may have a browser extension causing the performance issue.

Try deactivating your screen monitoring extensions such as Bird Eats Bug


If none of those steps solve your problem, contact us and provide the following information, at minimum, to help with troubleshooting your data-loading issues:

  • copy and paste any javascript errors from your browser’s developer console. How do I find this?

  • generating and providing a HAR file generated when you load the page. How do I do this?

My data looks different than I expected

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

ActionableAgile is showing issues which should not appear OR not showing issues which should appear in the chart

We need more details to troubleshoot

Please give us:

My data looks different than I expected

Your items moved backwards in your workflow

How ActionableAgile handles work that moves backwards in the workflow.


A filter has been applied

If you see a green funnel on the left of the top bar, it means that there is at least 1 filter set, you can hover over it to see the list of the filter and where they were applied. You can either found them and reset the filter or clear your browser storage which will delete all settings.

If the above doesn’t help, please add the following information to your support request to get us started:

Credit card payment issues

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your Problem

The Potential Cause

Suggested Solutions

Your payment was not processed - Bank authentication required

3D Secure attempt incomplete
The cardholder began 3D Secure authentication but has not completed it

Our subscription management system, Recurly, should sent you an email to go through the 3DS process. You will find the steps here, once this is done will the transaction be able to go through.


Having Other Issues?

Please enter a support request with as much detail as possible. Consider adding the following:

  • What you experienced

  • What you were doing when you experienced it

  • What you expected to see

  • Any screengrabs you can take of the problem

  • Any JS errors that your browser shows in the JS console. How do I find this?

We always attempt to respond to and resolve issues as quickly as possible. Thanks for being a customer!