Group Forecast List Page
On this page, you’ll be able to see all of your group forecasts.
In addition to the Name and Last Run Date, you’ll see more information about your Group Forecast, such as Created Date and Admin(s).
Group Forecasts shortcuts:
⌘/⊞ + Ctrl + G to view all Group Forecasts from anywhere.
⌘/⊞ + Ctrl + A to create a new Group Forecast from anywhere.
⌘/⊞ + Ctrl + E to edit a Group Forecast from the Group Forecast page.
⌘/⊞ + Ctrl + T to re-run your forecast from the Group Forecast page.
Forecast Hub
Selecting will take you back to the forecast hub at any time.
Create New
You can create a new forecast by typing in a name and selecting create new.
Search Bar
The search bar allows you to find the forecast you desire quickly.
Selecting a will Favourite a group forecast.
If you are an Admin on a group forecast, you’ll be able to Edit and Delete : it.