Using Your Forecast

Here is where you will manage your group forecast.

Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 11.15.29.png
1 Home | 2 Favourite | 3 Confidence | 4 Scenario Planning | 5 Information | 6 Hide Chart | 7 Share | 8 Options | 9 Calendar | 10 Columns | 11 Filters | 12 Density | 13 Export | 14 Search | 15 Key | 16 Summary | 17 Status | 18 Due On | 19 Likelihood | 20 Remaining | 21 Progress | 22 Forecast


Selecting will take you back to the Forecast hub at any time.


Selecting a will Favourite a group forecast.


By default, we show your original choice, the confidence can be changed to view other possibilities by choosing other percentages.

Scenario Planning

Select to explore multiple potential futures and make informed decisions by simulating various "what-if" scenarios. This helps in understanding the impact of changes before they occur, anticipating risks, adapting plans proactively, and optimising resources efficiently. Learn more.


Toggling on will show the configuration of your forecast in detail.

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Hide Chart

Toggling on will show the chart of the historical throughput used in the forecast.

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Selecting will open the permission settings and allow you to grant permissions to other users. You’ll soon be able to share your forecast too!

There are two types of permissions a user can be granted: Admin and Viewer.

Admins can run, view, edit, and delete the forecast.

Viewers can only see and interact with the forecast. They cannot make changes.

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If an Admin with higher permissions runs a forecast, you may see a difference as more items could be pulled in. Users will still only see what they’re allowed to, but this is good to know in case you see an unexpected change in your forecast.


Selecting will give you options to re-forecast, edit configuration, and export throughputas a CSV.

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Selecting the will allow you to view previous forecasts by selecting a date.


Selecting ||| columns will open a drop-down menu that allows you to choose which columns you want to see.

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Selecting filters will allow you to add a filter to your forecast.

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Selecting = density allows you to change the spacing between work items.

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Selecting exportwill allow you to download your forecast as a CSV or print it.


The search bar allows you to find the issue you desire quickly.

Each column can be sorted, pinned, filtered, managed, and hidden. To do so, press the three dots next to the column heading you want to edit.


Key displays each forecasted work item’s key. Selecting the key will load that work item in Jira.


Summary displays the name of your work items.


Status displays the status of the corresponding work item.

Due On

due on displays the due date that was set on your work item.

The colour of the percentage indicates the likelihood that issue is finished by the chosen due date.

0%-25% 25%-50% 50%-100% No due date chosen


Likelihood displays the forecasted chance of meeting your due date.


Remaining shows how many pieces of work remain within the corresponding item.


progressshows the amount of work completed within the corresponding item.


forecast displays the current finish date the tool has forecasted for the corresponding item.