
Here are definitions for all the confusing words in this documentation and Portfolio Forecaster itself.

Feel free to reach out to us via the Support Portal if you'd like a definition to be added to this glossary.

  • Throughput is the count of items crossing the finish line per unit of time.

  • Work In Progress is the count of items started but not yet finished.

  • Monte Carlo Simulation is a computational technique for understanding the range of possible outcomes and the likelihood of each outcome in complex environments with uncertainty and variability.

  • Likelihood is the numerical value of the possibility that the Due Date will be met based on the work remaining.

  • Confidence Level is the risk level you are willing (or unwilling) to take in a percentile value.

  • Group Forecasts are forecasts that align with individual groups where the work is happening to ensure accuracy.

  • Forecast Portfolios are a roll-up view of multiple forecasts that show you exactly what you want, no matter where the work is happening.