Here are definitions for all the confusing words in this documentation and Portfolio Forecaster itself.
Feel free to reach out to us via the Support Portal if you'd like a definition to be added to this glossary.
Throughput is the count of items crossing the finish line per unit of time.
Work In Progress is the count of items started but not yet finished.
Monte Carlo Simulation is a computational technique for understanding the range of possible outcomes and the likelihood of each outcome in complex environments with uncertainty and variability. is the numerical value of the possibility that the Due Date will be met based on the work remaining.
Confidence Level is the risk level you are willing (or unwilling) to take in a percentile value.
Group Forecasts are forecasts that align with individual groups where the work is happening to ensure accuracy.
Forecast Portfolios are a roll-up view of multiple forecasts that show you exactly what you want, no matter where the work is happening.