Forecast Portfolios List Page
Forecast Portfolios is a fantastic new feature of Portfolio Forecaster, designed to boost planning and visibility across teams while keeping each team's forecasts accurate and reliable. This feature lets users view multiple team forecasts in one neat and easy-to-understand portfolio format. Plus, it keeps all the unique details of each team's data intact, so no important information gets lost along the way.
Currently, forecast portfolios do not adhere to group forecast permissions; however, this functionality will be implemented soon!
Learn more about aligning teams without compromising accuracy with Forecast Portfolios by visiting our blog.
How to Create A Forecast Portfolio?
To create a Forecast Portfolio in Portfolio Forecaster, follow these steps:
Create Group Forecasts: Before you can create a Forecast Portfolio, ensure you have at least two Group Forecasts. You can create a new Group Forecast by selecting "Create New" from the Home Page or "Add New" from the Navigation Bar in Portfolio Forecaster.
Create New Portfolio: Once you have your Group Forecasts ready, you can create a Forecast Portfolio by selecting Create New Portfolio from the Forecast Portfolios page. Choose a unique name, the Group Forecasts you want to include and select Submit when you’re done!
Select the Forecast Portfolio you just created and you’ll be presented with all your Group Forecasts rolled into one!
By following these steps, you can effectively create and manage a Forecast Portfolio, providing enhanced visibility and collaboration across teams without compromising the accuracy of individual forecasts.
TLDR Forecast Portfolios offer a smarter, more effective way to align teams and plan across different groups within an organisation. By simplifying the tracking process and ensuring accuracy, these portfolios empower organisations to tackle complexity with confidence and position themselves for success in their respective fields.
Please feel free to contact us through our Support Portal or at if you experience any issues. We’d love to hear your feature requests through our Roadmap!