Credit Card 3D-Secure authentication

Credit Card 3D-Secure authentication


Our subscription management system, Recurly, should sent you an email to go through the 3DS process. Only once this is done will the transaction be able to go through.

Step 1: Find the email

The subject line will be Your payment was not processed - Bank authentication required.

The email is from licenses@55degrees.se

Step 2: Click Confirm Payment in Email

This will bring you to a hosted re-authentication page so that you can complete the required authentication.


Step 3: Click Confirm Payment on hosted authentication page

Please click confirm payment on this webpage to go through the 3DS process from your issuing bank.


Step 4: Complete the form presented by your bank

The contents of the 3DS area on the page will vary depending on your bank

If you have trouble in this final stage, you will need to contact your bank to find out what the problem is.