Navigating ActionableAgile

Navigating ActionableAgile


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New chart dropdown

In the dropdown, the charts have now been grouped according to 4 main categories to make it easier to know when you might want to use a particular chart:

  • Key Flow Data

  • Forecasting Simulations

  • Process Stability Insights

  • Other

It is very common to use the key flow data charts initially to stabilize your process and its outputs. Once you have done a bit of improvement work the next step is often to begin to use the forecasting simulations for forecasting large bodies of work.

Info box

Once you have selected a chart, you will now be able to get information about the chart via the new information icon.

Hovering over the icon will display a short description of the chart and the link to our documentation to learn more about it.

New Navigation icons

Load your data

To load your data click on the icon and then chose the file format you with to load.

Not sure how to load a Jira Cloud Board using OAUTH? Read about it here.

Not sure how to load a JSON file? Read about it here.

Not sure how to configure your csv file? Read about the requirements here.

Not sure how to load your Jira Board data? Read about it here.

Not sure how to load your Trello board data? Read about it here.



Why choose OAuth? Good question, OAuth provides a more secure and flexible way of connecting to your data. More secure in that OAuth is time-limited and requires specificity of access level and more flexible in that you can connect to multiple Jira instances and pick the one you want to pull from. 

Export your data

Click on this icon to export your data as an image, export the raw data or the filtered data.




Show Sidebar: You can toggle the sidebar containing the global chart controls and the individual chart controls to have more space for the chart itself.

Animate Charts: Choosing this option animates the transitions from one data selection in a chart to another so that it is less jarring. 

Confirm Exit: When you have this option selected, your browser prompts you when you click to leave the app.



Clear Browser Storage: Choosing this option deletes all of your settings and data. This is the "nuclear option" and means you'll need to reconfigure your workflows and settings again the next time you use the tool. As of now, there is no notification once you've clicked on this link, but the action has happened behind the scenes!

Date Display: Use this setting to determine the date format that ActionableAgile should use when displaying your date-related data.

Language: You can choose between English and French

Colour Scheme: You can choose between light and dark modes.


Help Center

By clicking on this icon, you will be able to access the release notes, documentation, videos, and other resources to help you use the app.

You will also find the link to our support team to assist you with any questions or issues.




Clicking on this icon will take you back and forth to the ActionableAgile Labs!



User Information

By clicking on My account you will access a portal to change details for your user.

Depending your access level you can also access the Billing portal and Manage users.