Global Settings

Global Settings

These are configurable items that affect the app as a whole and they are located under the settings (cogwheel) icon in the top right of the gray navigation bar.


Show Sidebar

You can toggle the sidebar containing the global chart controls and the individual chart controls in order to have more space for the chart itself.

Show Icon Labels

When you toggle this on or off you get descriptive text under the icons in the top-right nav.


Animate Charts

Choosing this option animates the transitions from one data selection in a chart to another so that it is less jarring. 

Confirm Exit

When you have this option selected, your browser prompts you when you click to leave the app.

Clear Browser Storage

Choosing this option deletes all of your settings and data. This is the "nuclear option" and means you'll need to reconfigure your workflows and settings again the next time you use the tool. As of now, there is no notification once you've clicked on this link but the action has happened behind the scenes!

Date Display

Use this setting to determine the date format that ActionableAgile should use when displaying your date-related data.


Choose between English and French.

It is not guaranteed that 100% of the text is translated at this time.

Color Scheme

You can choose which color scheme you want to use:





If you have any questions, please submit them to our help desk.

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Global Chart Controls