Global Chart Controls

Each chart has its own set of controls that you can use to configure your data. If you find yourself repeating certain things over and over on each chart, it is time to explore the global chart controls.


When you use the global chart controls, it will affect what you see on every chart you view without having to configure them individually. When you filter down the options here in the global chart controls, you reduce the options available in the individual chart controls. Examples are shown below.

There are two controls that are available to the right of the chart under the heading "Controls for all Charts".

Item Filter

If you would like to filter your data view by any attribute other than workflow stage, use the Item Filter control. Each attribute found in your source data is shown as a separate filter option.

If I choose to filter down to just Issue Type: User Story at this global level, then the Item Filter control for an individual chart will only show the User Story option under "Type". Compare the image to the right, which is an example of an individual chart control after the global filter has been used, with the unfiltered global control image above it.


Workflow Stages

If you would like to filter your data view by workflow stage at the global level so that none of your charts can use that workflow stage, deselect the workflow stages you'd like to exclude. 

If I choose to filter out a workflow stage at this global level, then the Workflow Stages control for an individual chart will not show that particular workflow stage. Compare the image to the right, which is an example of an individual chart control after the workflow stage "Backlog" has been filtered out at the global level, with the unfiltered global control image above it.



If you have any questions about this process, please submit them to our help desk.