Source Data Chart

Source Data Chart

What Is the Purpose of this Chart?

The source data contains all of the data that is available to ActionableAgile. If a chart shows you something unexpected, this is the first place to look. You can see if the chart is rendering this data correctly. If it is but there is still a problem, then we can look and see if there is something wrong with the data transfer from your data source.

We may ask you for your source data to support you with a support issue. If we do, you can remove all unneeded, identifying data to protect your PI.

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Chart Navigation


Both the column header and the ID column are now frozen to make reading the chart easier.


You can now sort the data in the chart either by ascending or descending order:

Hover by the name of a column and an arrow will appear, when the arrow points up , the data will be sorted by ascending order. To sort by descending order, click once more on the arrow icon and it will change into a arrow that is pointing down




By clicking on a line, it will become highlighted to help scrolling up to the desired information.

Total count

No matter the view you are on, the chart will now display the total numbers of rows


Key Chart Controls


Data View

You can look at your source data as the full raw file or look at the data through different views. When you select an option other than "Raw (Source Format)", the data updates in the background.

Please note that the Data View "Raw (Source Data) is never affected by the filter controls to the right of the chart. All other Data Views are affected by filter controls.

Click on the expandable links below to learn more about specific data views:




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This contains information needed for a wide variety of charts and for tooltips for individual data points and work items. This data view contains the following data:






A unique identifier for the work item.


The work item's URL


The work item's title

<workflow stage name>
one column for each

The date the item last entered the specific workflow stage

Blocked Days

Number of days an item has spent blocked.


TRUE or FALSE - is the item currently blocked?

<optional fields>
one column for each

Additional metadata you would like to include. 



This contains the information needed for cycle time charts such as the Cycle Time Scatterplot and Cycle Time Histogram. It contains the following data:






the unique identifier for the individual work item


the total elapsed time (in days) that the item took to move through the workflow

<workflow stage name>
one column for each

the total elapsed time (in days) that the item spent in that workflow stage. 


the date the item entered the first checked workflow state


the date the item was completed.

Blocked Days

the number of days the item spent blocked

Please see the Workflow Stages chart control below to see how using this control affects this data.


This contains the information needed for the Throughput Histogram and the Throughput Run Chart. It contains the following data:






The date for the data in question


The number of items that entered the last checked workflow stage that day

<workflow stage name>
one column for each

The number of items that entered the specific workflow stage that day



This contains the information needed for the Throughput Histogram and the Throughput Run Chart. It contains the following data:






The date for the data in question


The cumulative number of items in all of your checked workflow stages. This number will be the sum of all of the <workflow stage name> columns for this row

<workflow stage name>
one column for each

The number of items in the specific workflow stage



This contains information about errors when importing a file






A description of the error

Line #

Line in CSV

Column #

Column in CSV


The contents of the cell with the error


The contents of the entire row containing the value

This only contains information when you experience errors uploading external files. 

Decreasing Date errors

To properly analyze flow, you can't have a date in one column that is later than any dates in columns to the right of it in the workflow. In other words, when you move a card backwards, the date in the column it left is removed. It gets a new date when it goes back into that column.

Want to know more about backward flow? Read here for more details.

When importing files, removing long-form text fields will reduce the number of potential formatting issues you may encounter and long-form text isn't really applicable in ActionableAgile.


Export Your Data As CSV

To Export your data as CSV file for any reason, simply

  • navigate to the Controls column to the right,

  • expand the Export Control, and

  • click the "Save as CSV" button

Be aware

This export will contain information within the current Data View you've chosen and only that data. To ensure you export all of the data that ActionableAgile for this data set, choose Raw (Source Format) for your data view.


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Item Filter

If you would like to filter your data view by any attribute other than workflow stage, use the Item Filter control to manage what is shown in your data view. Please note that the Data View "Raw (Source Data) is never affected by filters.


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Workflow Stages

If you would like to filter your data view by workflow stage, deselect the workflow stages you'd like to exclude. Please note that the Data View "Raw (Source Data) is never affected by filters.


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Date Format

Change the date format at any time by navigating to the Settings cogwheel in the top right-hand corner, go down to Date Format and pick your desired format.

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Date Range

The Date Range control allows you to select a specific date range for your completed items across all charts.

Selecting the dates opens a calendar window where you can choose the date range that you want to see.

There are presets to select from, such as Last 30 Days, Last Quarter, etc.


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Do you have any questions?

Is something not working the way it should?

Do you have any feedback?

Please reach out to our support team via https://support.55degrees.se/. We would love to hear back you think!

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